Can you guess what kind of shape picture side?,,,
How much angle do you think about picture side?,,,
Can you make the equilateral triangle using compass?,,,
Everything that we see in this word, of course have kind of shape. There are circle, square, triangle, trapezoid, etc. We can draw it on a peace of paper using pen or pencil. To get the perfect shape, some times we need the other equipment such as ruler, arc, eraser and compas. For example we will make triangle that have the same angle or known by equilateral triangle. Of course, we need arc to make the perfec one. But how if we make using compass?,,
Here I wanna tell you “How to Make equilateral triangle using compass”.
Equipment’s :
Steps :
3 komentar:
sukses ibu guru matematika bilingual :)
iya. Bilingual jawa n Indonesia..:D
emange bsa bhsa jawa????wkwkwkwk
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